Monday, July 21, 2008

Room Reservations

Well, I have called a few places.

I have left messages at the New Orleans about group sales, no response - AT ALL.


So - I'm still working on the place.

We all know the time:
The weekend of November 7th (Friday) - 11th (Tuesday - Veterans Day weekend) or some time frame there - in.

Gail, Janet and I have been talking about doing the Scrapbook Expo in St. George that weekend as well. I go out there in September for a long weekend and scrap and visit... but with flights and gas prices climbing so high, this may be a stretch for me this year. We're still hashing out the details on that one. We have also talked about moving the location to Mesquite Nevada for lower prices, but not sure that the everyone would want to travel the extra 80 miles - for those of us flying into Vegas as well as those driving up from California. I am going to see what they would do for a few suites in Mesquite compared to Vegas... although Vegas is hurting right now for tourism too - so you never know - this is the week for me to start making calls again. I was too early for them to even talk to me about reservations at a few placed. ;o)

I'm sure I'm still aiming for Vegas, but if these hotels don't start to cooperate, I may have to pull a few more hairs out. I could very well be bald by the end of the week from work alone :op Hum... more options for wigs and new "do's"... there's a thought!


Anonymous said...

I'm just testing to see if I can figure this out.
Mom (goldy)

Suzanne said...

What about that hotel Janet suggested?

Anonymous said...

I habe been frustated with the New Orleans lack of respose to messages I have left for them on group sales. The first time I just assumed it was too early for them to "bother" with me. but I did get the autpmated respone that they received my initial email...then nothing. sigh. I will call them this week and try one more time.