Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Linda's photo's here (well, Gails, but Linda's Blog)
NO, I really didn't lick that glass... yuck... although, if I thought I could have licked my way through... maybe, just maybe I would have tried it!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pictures from Donna
We're HERE!!!
We all made it to Vegas and are ready to PLAY!
OK, more like gossip, eat and visit, but we're here!
The one downer of the day was that Janey wasn't able to be with us this year. She was sick the morning of departure and wasn't
able to come :o( I even brought the dobbers from prior years
Bingo events - I wanted to go play BINGO!!!
You were missed Janey!!
EEEK - there was a MAN in the mix... OK, so not quite a man, but Hayden came to join us for the weekend. Katie was flying out to Kansas City with her mother in law and Linda and Gail were taking Hayden back to Cedar with them, so it was the perfect opportunity for us (mom and I) to see and play with the latest member of our family!
Dinner this year was at Don Miguel's in the Orleans Casino. They had good food and even better company!
Horrible self portraits - however, this is the beginning of Blue Man Group - they handed out tissue paper for us to "decorate" ourselves for the show :o)
Janet - we took your picture on your camera - you'll have to share with us on the blog!
We had a good time, although it wasn't what I expected of the show. VERY loud, very rock and roll - guess I should have figured that out as it was percussion stuff, eh? Oh, well, it was an experience!
The band members... they glowed in the dark in this paint those outfits. Fun to watch
We walked to the Bellagio where we saw all of the wonderful fall decorations in place for Thanksgiving. I'm just glad they didn't do what all the malls and shopping places are - putting Christmas out before Thanksgiving. It was nice to see the wonderful fall colors and decorations.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
The All-Girls-Weekend is over for another year!
Pictures to follow.
For all those that weren't able to make it, you were greatly missed! Janey, we missed our Bingo Buddy!! I brought the dobbers and everything!!
Sue wish you could have made it down this year, but I do understand conflicting obligations!
Tonya - it was another cowboy weekend with National Rodeo, you would have loved the views!!
Connie and Lorrie - wish we could have gotten together while we were there!
Elise - it was great to catch up, even if it was a short time. We'll do more in e-mail... jog my memory on all the old haunts and folks I knew way back when!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Weekend Fun!
More to come on next years planning...start saving your pennies...I'm trying to put together a cruise for next year. San's that, it my end up being San Diego with a side trip to Tiajuna.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Today's the day!
Meet you in Vegas!!!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
1 week and 2 days... and I want to go NOW!!!
Ah, well, I would gripe if hung with a new rope as dad would say. I also have a hall way between me and the other half of my team and a full on WALL between me and the one who needs to be prompted to work. Lovely.
Yeah, it's a fun place to be - not.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I almost let a boy come with us....
Monday, October 27, 2008
AGW's of the past!
The beginning of our AGW Adventure!
Moroccan restaurants, Top of the Stratosphere tower
The year of the Cowboys - Yeeee haw!
The breakfast place - don't make me post those pictures gals!!
Sally attended along with some of Sue's Friends
A great time was had by all!
year of Scrapbooking and a Pregnant Tandy (Braden is really that old now??)
this is the year we learned about Geo Caching
Another year of scrapping with a calendar pattern that
Gail put together for us! Wonderful project.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Dinner Reservations
I would think with 10 or less for an early dinner, we should be OK in the long run, right?
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Spa day 10am
I have a reservation for 10am on Saturday morning for a massage - a CHOCOLATE massage.
I'm not sure how I'll feel about it, but can you imagine smelling chocolate the entire time?
Hum.. wonder if it will just make me hungry instead of relaxed?
Hard to know... but I'll tell you when I'm done!!
Saturday evening - Dinner 6pm (
Reservations are pending confirmation with Don Miguel's there at the hotel.
Saturday night - Show night! 10 pm
Blue Man Group (
Can you say one BUSY day for me? The reality is that I will nap after the massage, then eat and laugh through dinner and wrap it up with a show that night... Then recoup on Sunday!!
Sunday - ??
Group Breakfast - hotel buffet
Church for those wanting to attend
Lunch dinner, visiting, playing, movies, bowling... lots and lots of stuff going on!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Blue all over!
want to sit.
I don't think we want to be in the very expensive seats as they will be
in the VERY front and get you messy as all get out.
You can see their Vegas site at:
The booking agent said they were still pretty well available, so let me
know if you would like me to book us all together. So far I have
Marilyn, Linda and myself confirmed. I think I'll be aiming for the $99
tickets for us.
Let me know!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
I'm feeling blue!
a 10pm on
Who would be interested in going?
Monday, September 8, 2008
I'm getting excited!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Post a comment with your name(s) so I can get a rough head count to start that process of reserving a table(s) ;o)
Viva, Las Vegas
I forget--when do we usually meet for a dinner? I glanced through the website for the Orleans. Shall we stick to our previous Mexican Theme? ha. I'll eat matters not.
Gail just mentioned last night how she has to start saving money for our trip to AGW. It'll be here before we know it. Guess I'd better get busy, too!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
BOOK the Orleans!
Mom/Marilyn and I will be there from the 7th to the 11th - come join in on the fun!
Tentative Schedule
Saturday 8th November:
Morning: Spa for those that would like to join
Evening: group dinner
TBD on location and head count of who would like to join in.
This is typically the ONE meal we all get together
Sunday 9th November:
Morning: group breakfast for those that would like to join
Church: for those that are interested in attending church in Vegas, we'll have the breakfast early enough (or late enough) to accommodate.
Evening: departures for some, but I'm here for two more days!! Anyone else wanting to stay with me, I'll be there until the 11th with Mom. The more the merrier.
I have heard a lot of folks comment that they don't have a holiday on the 11th. It's typically a government holiday, so I understand quite a few won't be staying more than the weekend.
For those that are staying longer, comment away and we'll plan something fun to do on Monday!
Hotel news and schedule.
Show Tickets
Any other shows people may be interested in?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I did it! I did it!
I booked our flights for the trip to Vegas!
I guess the decision is made on the Scrapping as well since I won’t get in early enough to do the scrapping in St. George. So – next up, I have to book the flights to SLC for the one in September!
I’m getting excited!
Now – to finalize the hotel… that will be the kicker!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Any suggestions on what show you would like to see?
I would like to see Blue Man Group maybe this year.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Room Reservations
I have left messages at the New Orleans about group sales, no response - AT ALL.
So - I'm still working on the place.
We all know the time:
The weekend of November 7th (Friday) - 11th (Tuesday - Veterans Day weekend) or some time frame there - in.
Gail, Janet and I have been talking about doing the Scrapbook Expo in St. George that weekend as well. I go out there in September for a long weekend and scrap and visit... but with flights and gas prices climbing so high, this may be a stretch for me this year. We're still hashing out the details on that one. We have also talked about moving the location to Mesquite Nevada for lower prices, but not sure that the everyone would want to travel the extra 80 miles - for those of us flying into Vegas as well as those driving up from California. I am going to see what they would do for a few suites in Mesquite compared to Vegas... although Vegas is hurting right now for tourism too - so you never know - this is the week for me to start making calls again. I was too early for them to even talk to me about reservations at a few placed. ;o)
I'm sure I'm still aiming for Vegas, but if these hotels don't start to cooperate, I may have to pull a few more hairs out. I could very well be bald by the end of the week from work alone :op Hum... more options for wigs and new "do's"... there's a thought!
Welcome to the All Girls Weekend Blog!
If you would like to author a comment on the blog, let me know and I'll add you to the author list!
Otherwise, sit back, check in when you can and make comments to the "Chatty Cathy" posts!