Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day Three

I did such good planning to avoid the Veterans Day Parade in downtown ATL that I didn't even THINK about sporting events and wouldn't you know it?  Yes, there was a Falcons game this weekend at 1pm.  So, parking was twice as expensive due to the game and the place was going to be crowded, so we took MARTA into downtown. 
Now picture this, three women huddled around a bunch of machines trying to figure out HOW to get a ticket.  It was pathetically hilarious.  I finally gave up and went to the parking attendant cashier who told me to push A, A, B, B and low and behold, problem solved and ticket issued.  Well, cards issued.  Laura already had a breeze card that she had used to get from the airport to the hotel, so she had to figure out how to load hers... we were a mess! 
We finally got to our stop at downtown and found THIS escalator.  Needless to say Linda did NOT walk these stairs - boy it's a long way to the top at the Peachtree station!!  There was one more floor of escalators around the corner as well - wow!!
 We got out and started looking around and couldn't figure out where we were going, if we got off and went the right way, nothing... so a nice homeless man gave us directions... ha!  Yes, he was nice and we gave him some change and off we went. :) 

Mom, Laura and I went to the World of Coca-Cola and Linda went to the Aquarium for the day. 

 Not sure what the photographer had against my purse, but he really wanted it behind me.  Weird.  That's OK, we got the LAST picture in the group and headed out to looks around. 

We'll just say it's "interesting" and leave it at that.  It was OK.  I can see why the kids didn't want to go with me again... once you have been, you have been.  Enough said, it is now checked off my bucket list :)

On to CNN:

We went up the tallest free standing escalator in (8 stories) and then walked down all 8 stories.  After Stone Mountain, poor mom was done in on stairs!
 Not many photo's of the tour... not much to really take pictures of.  it was interesting, but here again, wouldn't go again, it was another to check off the bucket list of "things to do and see in ATL"  ha!

We did see Fredricka Whitfield prepping to go on live.  she was quite bored and yawing away, then she fluffed her hair and went on line like she was so busy and occupied in the news room.  What a switch from watching her sitting there reading the news and info before going on :)

Linda wrapped up at the aquarium just as we were wrapping up at CNN and met us in the food court/lobby as we were going to catch the train from there to the house.  When we headed out, we had to walk by the Phillips Arena - and low and behold had to go UP a flight of stairs and right back down the same height of stairs - poor mom walked out and commented on them :) I don't blame her.
 We were on the train headed out and found a few of the Falcon fans headed out... which at 2 pm made me ask... apparently the game was going VERY bad and the score was something like 34 to 3 or something horrendous.  Hum... doesn't bode well for us as we're going to see more and more folks as we head out.   we found we had to change trains in 5 Points and me NOT being familiar with the train managed to head us to DoraVille (insert Dora the Explorer theme song here!)  POOP!!!  So, after a 10 - 15 minute wait and a backtrack to Lindbergh we were the in MIDDLE of the folks bailing out of the game as it was now pretty much over.  Woops - so much for my timing, eh?  Oh, well, there are worse things to happen, I'm sure!

And THIS is the sight that greeted us every time we were back at the hotel right at sunset... so pretty!!

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