Sunday, November 10, 2013

Day two

We were a bit early to meet at Stone Mountain so we went to the Wren house Museum ( The funny thing is that this was on Laura's list and the rest if us had no clue what it was all about. We really enjoyed it and the tour guide was a little old lady who rambled on and on however was entertaining. You can see her here

Linda, ever the librarian was checking out the first run books kept under lock and key. 1800's books. Liz would have been thrilled as well with those books ;)

Fun lock on a cabinet.

Front porch. It was. Beautiful day.

About the time we finished with the tour and were in our way Karen and Leah called and were headed to the Mountain. ( So off we went.

After getting thoroughly lost on our way there and ending up in a cute old town we got together and parked and to the ticket booth. Linda opted to hike up with Karen and Leah while the rest of us took the tram to the top.

(yeah, never ask a stranger to take your picture - he didn't even get the full sculpture in the picture - funny!)
 (then he moved us down a bit and STILL didn't get the full sculpture in the photo - funny!)

I liked the curvature of the cable in this one....

Our timing was perfect and we got to the top just as the hikers arrived! Nice! 
hold your head over to the right - Fish!

They hiked back down while we trammel back down

We then headed to the little market town to get some lunch/dinner of BBQ. We wandered the shops on the way to the train.

Open air train ride
Trees in the old tracks

After the train we headed to the house earlier than planned but it was for the best. We all got a good  8hrs sleep for day three tomorrow.

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